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Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Status Quo........Dare To Be Different!

Hey... Its me, Mr. Real Life. I have been thinking a lot this past week about a lot of things going on in society nowadays. One thing that has been on my mind is people and how we as people go about doing things on our day-to-day functions. Part of how we as a society tend to function is to be in line with the status quo, or keeping things the way they are because that seems to be the right thing to do instead of functioning differently. I have to say that the status quo is not always a good thing and it is really painful to see many of us stick to that as a crutch in society. So why not dare to be different? Is it because maybe you are afraid of what others might think of you? Or are you a follower? Just think about this whole ideological sense of going with the flow. Politically, it seems like the right thing to do but we all know where that has gotten us as far as our federal government. For those who watch the news and keep up with politics, then it would be well apparent that the status quo is viral and rampant. Being afraid of change is a natural reaction among many people and that is ok. It takes time to get used to change because of the fact that you have done the same thing over and over again. We all have our own minds and yes our opinions and thoughts are often influenced by the environmental, family, and other elements. But remind yourself that you can be different and not just think the way others think, do what others do, say what others say. In the end, you are seen as a leader than a follower. That is how we fight this growing epidemic known as the status quo. Being politically correct is the default of complex thinking and in expressing one's self. Believe it or not but I believe that being in line with the status quo is a threat to society because often people get caught up into the same ordeals and not utilizing their own freedom to think independently. The mind has to be expansive and be willing to think outside the box. The mind is like a sponge and it absorbs a lot of information only if you allow it. So my challenge to everyone is to challenge one another and be self reliant and an independent thinker. Remember that your voice is only as strong as your mind So Dare to be different. Are you a Leader or a Follower? Spoken...... Mr. RealLife

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hollywood Floss - An Introduction To HIS Music!

Coming to you from Houston,Texas is a rapper,producer,and promoter, Hollywood FLOSS looking to continue making headlines in the music industry. Starting the year 2006 FLOSS has worked his way up from grassroots efforts and is constantly making his way into people's speakers. Allow LifeHasNoScript to give you a better look into the artist, Hollywood FLOSS, as we find out a little bit more about him and where his mind is.

So what is your official stagename and why'd you choose it?
My official stage name is Hollywood FLOSS, but most call me either Hollywood or Floss... I didnt choose it, the Floss part was actually given to me! It used to be Flossy B as a nickname around the hood, but i dropped it and went for just FLOSS when i started to take rap seriously... Hollywood is what I added to help you remember me, as much as the music should speak for yourself, this is a business and you have to leave an impression.
How did your favorite artists influence your music
You know what thats a good question... My favorite artist are spread out across all different genres, I'm talking Prince to Andre3k to Squarepusher to Maroon 5, so that opened my eyes to accept different types of music and help me create music thats more open and honest... I feel i will try and take risk with my music, whereas most new musicians are afraid of what others think, and have a hard time finding themselves as an artist.
How long have you been involved in music as an artist?
As an artist I've been around since 2006... I use that as the year where I started to take rap/producing seriously and making a name for myself.
You're gaining fans with the more material you drop, how do you plan to achieve a mass fanbase?
If you truly listen to my music and give new artist like myself a chance, there's NO way, you wont like something i do point blank! Thats not being cocky, thats being truthful. The mass fanbase comes from people knowing about you, so I plan on building a brand where you see my name and you expect good music, to relate to the music or something different... I'm a true believer in word of mouth, so as long as i'm doing my part and spreading my music, the fans will come.
What's your inspiration behind the music you make and what mindset do you go in to make it?
My biggest inspiration to making music is striving to get better and eventually be amongst the greats... In the past I've seen people say i just want to get by, NEGATIVE! I want to be remembered and the cause of arguments LOL... My mindset when making music is 1) are you being yourself 2) is it different, does it standout? 3) Is it enjoyable, will it stand the test of time!
Has the area you were raised in played a part in the your creativity
Houston is really diverse for those who watch tv and just think its cowboys or grills... So i'd definitely say 110% Yes the diversity of the city has played a part in my music... Ask my family and friends and they will tell you I'm all about seeing different life and being apart of not so similar cultures... My music represents my honest thoughts and the life i'm trying to get to.
What do you think about the state of the music industry currently?
I cant lie, the game is bittersweet... On one end you have messed up sales and ridiculous music being put out for political reasons, but then you have the good side of the game where you can actually make a name for yourself without leaving the house...I mean its beautiful to be able to test the waters with your material and have access to your primary fans, so your not wasting anyones time. If anything i will say the game has the potential to be more balanced, where in the past your career really wasnt up to you, Artists can actually be themselves and run their career if they decide to. Its interesting!
How would you describe the style of your music?
Man sometimes i dont know what i be doing... i wouldnt call myself a rapper, rapping is just the most frequent form of expression i use! ... I'm all over the place avant garde - soul - hiphop - rock - electronica... I really need to coin a genre for myself... It's always switching up.
If you could choose one artist to collab with on a track, who would it be and why?
Def. gotta go with Andre3k! ... He's one person in music who has know limits, and i pride myself with not having any limits to what i can do, so i would love to see his process and what goes into making the thought provoking music he does...Also got to ask him is Erykah Badu stuff that good!
What is your favorite hip hop quotable, if you had to choose one?
Wow! so many of them... and i'm a random dude, but one of my favorites is from Can I Live... "Lock my body can't trap my mind, easily explain why we adapt to crime I'd rather die enormous than live dormant that's how we on it Live at the main event, I bet a trip to Maui on it" He pretty much summed up a young black man's mind right there
What is your most favorite track that you've done up-to-date?
Favorite track to date - either "She A Dime" or "Before You Judge"... I use to think it was cliche for rappers to say this, but every new track is your favorite...I'm telling yall this recording songs is CRACK, its the new CRACK
What is your most favorite track that you've done up-to-date?
I have an early hits projects coming soon for those who need to catch up and learn about me, New album coming late summer/early fall "House of Dreams" and group projects from E Pluribus Unum - rap/rock group and T.H.E.M. - the houston elite Mc's compilation...So the calender's full, hopefully the fans support
I just want to thank blogs and magazines like yourself, for giving the underdogs and new artist a slight chance to even the playing field out! It really means alot!

You can find more from Hollywood FLOSS at :

Friday, April 17, 2009

Ex's, kryptonite to a new relationship (part 1)

Current Song - "Exxes (instrumental)" - The Klasix
This first part is sponsored by - Well I guess I'll just let out a little rant about a topic that hits home,it's going to be more random than anything, trust me

Anybody that has ever went through a breakup can probably get the drift on what I'm about to speak on. Ugh "ex's" =/ Love em, Hate em, they still were in your life at SOME point in time.

Well, I've been through some rough breakups and all that good/bad stuff, but I always got love for my "ex's". They've helped me grow and mature mentally, something that is NOT guranteed to be a result from everyone you come in contact with. So, you may have had an ex that meant a lot too you and they could have done you wrong right, but didn't you learn from it? Didn't you look back on it and see your faults, even if in large, they weren't yours? You could have been the guilty party in the relationship and you may have knocked over the house of cards. BAM! It all comes crashing down.. Life is SUPPOSED to have its learning experiences, but it seems as though people tend to think that every relationship they're in, is suppose to work. Allow me to introduce reality into this topic..every relationship WON'T work. Hey, you could be one of those "lucky" people and just have that one magical relationship, but for the rest of us "non-magical" people, the shit hits the fan every now and then. Sometimes we can prevent it, sometimes we can't, but it happens to the best of us. That's why you see so many breakup songs, movies, video blogs and people are just crying all over it.

They say the best teacher is experience right? Well why can't you learn from an ex? Even if you hate them, they still added a little bit more common sense into your mind. You might even still be cool with them and they could be a great friend, but in most situations, that isn't the case. Break ups can be quite the monster, can't they? Haha, it's ridiculous how nasty they can get (pause). People's hearts get ripped out of their chests for a brief period in time, only to find out that they had been wasting their time. Then, you have to deal with the nasty breakup spilling over into your new relationship, which is NEVER good. Your new girl/new guy, does not want to hear you whining about your ex, they'll think you're going to be putting them in comparison. It's good to speak on the breakups and ex's, but not good to dwell on them. When you allow yourself to do that, you're allowing that bad experience veil your future with the new person, whether you like it or not. Maybe you're wondering if your ex is "alright" or if they found someone "better" than you, but the key once again, is LEARNING.

Ex's can torment people's minds pretty bad and only time can heal the heart. It could make you zone out to Al Green for a couple of hours and shed quite a few tears, letting tissue become your bestfriend for a period haha. Yes, it happens to dudes too...Dude's dwell on it more than you would think, even the egotistical ones. Trust me, I've seen first hand what a breakup can do to a guy or girl and it's never good on either side, despite what common perceptions would say. Take some time out of your life today and think about an "ex", even if it makes you shutter, and figure out what they helped you learn about yourself or life in general. For now, we can just say that the ex was some little sidenote that you had tried to whiteout, but the bottle went empty when you got halfway across the name.. "Alici-- cot damn I'm out of white out!" Lol, grow from that experience, use those mistakes to grant your mind the opportunity to avoid them in the future. As I continue to write more parts to this series increases, the deeper I'll get. Break out the tissues, you might just need them haha =/

"Everything she'd do, take a toll on my brain"

..Until we meet again

- That Gentleman

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Oops, I Forgot To Introduce Myself..

Well, some like to call me An Abstract Gentleman( a simple Corey to MOST), yea it sounds weird, but I can promise you it has a deeper meaning. It stems from quite a few things actually and since I forgot to formally introduce myself, yes very un-gentleman like lol, but allow me to give you a bit of insight on who I am.
ab·stract (b-strkt, bstrkt) adj. -Difficult to understand; abstruse -Having an intellectual and affective artistic content that depends solely on intrinsic form rather than on narrative content or pictorial representation
Gentleman - A well-mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior.
Combine the two and you have me. Seems simple right? It doesn't rarely get understood that easily for being so simple. What is a TRUE gentleman these days? Does he open doors, but smash every girl possible? Does he hold out for the perfect one only to be disappointed?? To some, the word gentleman does not exist because of the standards men today have set for themselves. I call myself an abstract gentleman because even though I may act like a true gentleman, some of my ideas that I conjure in the twisted maze for a head I have, are practical, yet misunderstood. Sometimes I wonder why I act the way I do towards women, in wanting to understand them completely and wanting to know them mentally before anything else. The guys may say that's putting it on the pedestal but I just like to call it preparing myself mentally for the wifey. In order to understand the ever emotional women in today's society, you have to understand the causes of them becoming sappy. A gentleman could and would listen to them, but an ABSTRACT gentleman would take a step back and think on it for a while, thinking of all possible reasons and ways to correct this problem. We listen, but do not speak, think but do no reveal, speak but do not lecture. In order to understand an abstract gentleman, you must put all hormones to the side and think of man and women on a spiritual level. Are we here to bang each other but are we here to help each other? Most people say its the latter option, but do not conduct themselves in actions that would affirm those sentiments. Our generation is one that will affect the world for years to come and we MUST set an example for the coming generations. Well, that was me in the fewest amount of words I could put together, now it's time to get back to dating advice haha.. ...Until We Meet Again - That Abstract Gentleman

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

From Lack of Too Much

Well hello again! In my first blog about dating and relationships, I discussed how in most scenarios of today, couples do not speak enough. I'm sure its either happened to you in a relationship or it will eventually, but there is a contrast to that "lack of communication". You CAN have too much communication in a relationship and it could bore the hell out of you and/or your partner. Real talk, these days people got all these social networking profiles,phones, PDAs, and it just makes people that much more accessible. You see girls and guys in a relationship who actually talk to each other too much. Understand that when I say that, that I do place a high emphasis on speaking with one another because you never know when you could lose that one person, but you could also say too much to them. You don't want to be in a relationship where you literally have nothing to say to each other when you're in each other's presence because you texted them all day, do you? Your significant other has your twitter/myspace/facebook/skype/etc etc and you always seem to know what each other is doing, but you feel the need to talk 24/7? I've been there personally and it's not fun at all, awkward silences suck BIG time. For a relationship to succeed you have to maintain that balance of talking too much and too little, which is not hard to do, you just have to be consistent with it. Have you ever had those days where it felt like you had a cloud over your head and thought about calling or talking to your significant other for just a second to cheer yourself up? Well, think about applying it to your relationship. The opposite end of that is that you could have been talking to that significant other all day and they really didn't help that much, possibly adding onto the stress or not being of any help at all. Had you maintained that balance then you'd feel that much better talking to them at that *low point* so they can uplift your spirits right(unless you're just some big pessimistic individual lol)? You'd look forward to talking to them instead of dodging their texts/calls because we all know someone that dodges calls from their boyfriend or girlfriend haha. You'll hear people talking about "she won't leave me alone" or "he's always calling me!", funny right? Why are they saying that? It could be in large due to the fact that you may talk TOO much. Like seriously, why are you going to text ALL day and expect to have a full on conversation when you meet up? Okay, there are those exceptional instances where you're maybe traveling and assuring safety, but you really want to make those words stand out to each other. I mean let's be serious, you can't REALLY run out of things to say each other, but you can make your conversations that much more dull by speaking too often about nothing.. Do I seriously need to know what you're doing in the next 5seconds or tell you what time I'm going to be leaving the restroom? People, let's just try to maintain that balance and keep those words that you do speak to each other, special. Personally, I place more emphasis on words rather than physical presence because of that, making words THAT much more impacting to me, but that's another rant that I'll dive into at the next appointed time. ;) Until we meet again -- That Gentleman

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Where does the script stop?

They do say,"everything happens for a reason", right? That just depends if you believe in "free will", but we do have logic for reason. As I sit and look out the window, i can see a plane flying through the distant blue skies and it makes me wonder. The plane knows where it's going right? Shouldn't I know where MY plane is going? If you travel, you know where you're going and how you're going to get there. Some may even just take off spontaneously, but in the back of their mind they have a destination. Where does my destination take me? There is one thing that speaks to me more than anything and through it, I never lose sight of the end. Often, I am searching for any piece of insight that can help me find where I truly want to be, not mentally, but spiritually. Music touches my soul and I never feel lost within it, but its not my current track. The track that I walk on is not filled with harmony, musical notes, and great composers. I am the composer, not yet great, but I am missing one piece of me, my motivation. I carry great visions of success and pictures for my future, as it only began not too long ago, or what seemed like not too long ago. If my life were a song, I envisioned it in winning a Grammy for "Song of a Lifetime". Drake said he was "24hours from greatness,"so I guess that makes me 2:04 from my dreams. My song doesn't repeat, it plays only once and in that short time I must make the most of it. There is no intro, no drumbreaks, just solid playing from a piano, the instrument of my mind...cascading up and down to symbolize my trials and tribulations. It slows at times, but catches speed again when my ambitions are clear and my mind is focused. My mistakes can be easily overpowered by my successes in this song, hoping that to others, it's a song to remember. When its over, I want to say I touched someone's life with my song and not just mine. The script to that song is etched in my soul and I must continue reading it until the days that I can no longer read any further, leaving a song that in my heart, is unfinished...but to others and the ONE above, it's complete. Write your script, learning from your mistakes to make amends for them later down the line. Until We Meet Again - That Gentleman

Friday, April 10, 2009

No, We're Not in Kansas Anymore.

I'm not so sure how to get this ball rolling but here it goes. My name is John and I hail from Manhattan, Kansas. I'm going to shake off that name here and step into my true self. Let me be known as Speak Easy. During Prohibition, a Speak Easy illegally sold booze even in the face of the Law. Ha, don't think I'm as shallow as some drunk who thought he would just sit down and write. Speak Easy is me because in the face of authority we should not stand down and blindly accept what The Man says is best. Be yourself, buck the system, seek the Truth. This is what I believe and I'll be sticking my head in the door every now and then to break you off some of my thoughts. I agree - Life Has No Script. The heavy stuff we go through all the time makes this world too hard to deal with day to day. Life Has No Script because we all deal with something different but all commonly have to adapt. I've got a sick mother, bills to pay, women to please, and I still gotta make it to class. The worst part about it all is that it's not that bad. If your still reading you probably are thinking right now about how worse off you are than I am. So I'm going to keep it real with you. While I may be a proud black American I feel immersed in white privilege. At first I thought I was just as disenfranchised as any other black man in America, held down by the fat-cat white capitalist. Yes, the white woman frowns when I approach, I have to be overqualified when I want a job not washing cars or mowing lawns. But I am still privileged. I am weighted down by my privilege because I attend a pretty decent school called K-State with scholarships and the funding of my upper middle class parents support. I am blessed to not have to work another job to make this months rent and I can even travel to see the country while debating for my school. Debate has become an outlet for my life. Speech liberates my soul as I get to intellectually grow and talk about what is real. Even though this is my life, my travels have broadened my horizon. It wasn't until I went back to my roots in southern Arkansas that I recognized the way that both race and class determine one's openness. My cousins live in poverty, struggling between going to school or work to support their family while I fly to Baltimore for the weekend to debate. I have come to know that I am like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory with my golden ticket called white privilege. I can only speak to you from where I am, my social location. My passion is politics and race relations. This is just a preview - there will be more to come - Seek Truth, Speak Easy.

Which came first?

F good, What's greater my readers? As one or two of ya'll know, I'm sitting here waiting on this egg to crack so to speak. I'm a pessimist by nature. I never put all of my eggs in one basket because I've never seen a basket made out of Charmin and marshmallows. They all seem to be made out of cast iron, which ain't that good for egg shells.

Enough symbolism.

I have a major distribution deal on the table for my record label. It could be a big break. It could be a set-up for disappointment. With that said, It's time for a REALITY CHECK.

So what's worse, a hater or a groupie? I really don't know anymore. I decided to tell my internet family about my recent development. I wasn't thrown off by the rapid influx of congrats and support, or the abundance of
,NT's always shown love to me anyway; ever since I was 16 rapping "keystyles" with Kneesh from Chicago. But I was rather shocked to see how many people had only saltine things to say. I don't know why it surprised me, after all, I am a pessimist as I said. What I want to ask my readers is this: Given the opportunity, is it more natural to support a complete stranger out of the "goodness of man", or is it more natural to be in competition with a complete stranger seeing as we're all under the same sun, sharing the same limited resources?

What wins out, natural or civilized behavior? We gotta get better as a people, people.

I'm not mad at my haters. Somebody has to hate and it's not gonna be me. It might as well be you. I'd rather be the somebody winning the lotto. But that very basic instinct, that jealousy, is archaic and unnecessary. Whereas it might have given you the edge in surviving 1500 year ago, in this day and age it's not like we're competing to survive. Well, not in the sense that you would be affected by another man's success in music. If I'm eating off rap, there's more than enough food for you to fix a plate from whatever you're good at. I'm not stepping on anybody's opportunities, that ain't real. That ain't Rilla. I'm just embracing my own. It's far too many crabs in this barrel today. Once you start climbing out of it, you'll see for yourself

Live from LHNS, by way of Gangster Island,
Young Rilla

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So where have I been.........Allow me to re-introduce myself my name is....

J......J to the JG....LOL! Just playing! Hey what's up everyone? Sorry for being a stranger to you all, but allow me to introduce myself(literally). My name is James a.k.a The Realest JG. I am the co-CEO and partner with Corey, a good friend of mines who has been the architect of the website thus far. But now that I had a chance to deal with personal issues, I am ready to step into this exciting new venture along with Corey. I am willing to share with you my ordeals and many kinds of posts that reflect on the daily grind of Life. The reality of it all is that there is no script in life itself. It's unpredictable. So expect the unexpected from me. Another thing is that I really love music. Music is a precious art form. When I see other people abuse it, I shake my head. But anyway I'll be doing various video segments and along with posts on non-scripted events so watch out! I am just that. THE REALEST(or one of them)......

Are You Where You Want To Be In Life?

Your life, like this blog's name, REALLY has no script. One minute you could have something planned out and a second later, the plans ruined. You ever felt like that? I know I can't be the only one who's life is generally planned, but tends to deviate off course. Maybe sometimes I write outside of the lines on my canvas, it just feels as though my mind can't be controlled at times. You have a million things running through your head, but you can't concentrate on just ONE thing, which can drive you crazy. The pen to my canvas, yes I said pen because you can't go back in time and erase previous actions, it moves so fast, making smooth and swift strokes on my script. It's quite mind boggling, watching it at work, a true out-of-body experience. But you see, my script isn't a script to an epic movie, it's a silent drama, only felt through the emotions seen on one's face. Sure you can read what I write, but would you feel the way I felt when I wrote it? Doubt it.. Many have creative imaginations, it's just that ONE imagination can't be duplicated. You can't make another Einstein, another Martin Luther King Jr, or another Hendrix...You just can't but you can look at their works in retrospect and soak in it's greatness.

Despite what science says, you can't duplicate a person, and you can't duplicate an ORIGINAL script. Your own life script may tend too be kind of hazy in an unorganized chaos way, but your dreams are perfectly imperfect, leaving you the necessary room needed to grow. So with that being said, the script to life is yours to make what you want of it in the short time that you do have, so use every tool you can garner to make it a masterpiece...because you only get one chance to write it.

Till we meet again..
-That Gentleman

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Introducing Young Rilla - Putting Indiana on The Map

LifeHasNoScript links up with another artist, this time it's Young Rilla, an MC looking to put Indiana on the map! Check out the interview to find out more about his music and upcoming works in 2009.

When you sit down to write your music, how you go about telling your story?

It really depends on what I'm trying to do with the song. Like for instance, on "May Day" I didn't really want to try too hard to be like...clever or witty or anything because I wanted the song to feel more natural. When I'm arguing with my girl, I'm not sitting and thinking up a thousand "hot" metaphors. I'm just saying how I feel, ya know? But then again, on some songs I like to go that extra mile to be original and what not. It is what it is I guess. All I really know is that I never try to make the same song twice, so my creative process has to be a little different with each one.

Why do you call yourself Young Rilla?

Well, basically I like to think that I keep it Rilla-than-most. But yeah, that's what my niggas in the hood call me ya dig? And I'm the youngest of 4 so...yeah.. 'Tis watta 'tis.. Real Recognize Real Records baby!

What type of music would you say that you make?

I just try to be diverse bro. I know I have a vocab and some insight into a lot of stuff, so I just try to present it in an artistic way that the averagenigga in Nikes and Roc jeans can appreciate. I'm not really one for all the glitz and glamour. I'm not "swag splashing" on hoes or nothing. I'm just a dude from the hood with a knack for wordplay and an outlook on life that's easy to understand if you've ever lived in a place with more murders than job opportunities. So in a sense, I guess I'm a grassroots sorta guy. I am what hip-hop came from and I sound like where it's headed.Coolbeans.

How long have you been making records?

Records? About 4 years. I "met" Billboard B at 16 and he's been my executive producer, CEO, and manager ever since. Really, the man has known me since birth. We go waaaaaaaaay back. But he didn't know I was a rapper and I didn't know he was into putting out acts until that time. But fuck that, I've been a writer since I was like 12. I used to write raps instead of doing class work.

Who were your biggest influences and music and who's your favorite artists out right now?

I love this question lol. Man My biggest influences change weekly, but some that always float at the top are Jay-Z, Eminem, Nas, Tupac, and Tip. For a nigga like me, that's like the "Dream Team" right there. I've picked up little nuances and tricks of the trade as far as pure FLOW goes. I can thank Jay and Em for a lot of that. I feel like I can twist syllables with the best of them because I study the best of them. Those dudes go ham on every track. Me and the other Mr. Jones share a lot of the same rebel thoughts, ya feel me? He's real deep and he pushes the envelope all the time. I like that.Pac and Tip pour a certain passion into their music that you can't help but to feel, and Tip put me onto punch-ins in the booth, lol. I love those guys' music man.

I know a lot of fans been waiting on you to drop the mixtape, what have you been up to lately?

Uhh, around lol. Man I've been doing so much shit bruh. We've been throwing Triple R release parties for the various Steel City Music DVD/CD joints. We're up to Vol 5. now. It's been real jazzy. I even got some production on there from some of my NT brethren (Shouts to T.I.M.E.). Gorilla Island Vol 1. has done serious numbers and Vol 2. just dropped like yesterday. So it's safe to say I done jumped off the porch, I just ain't made it down the block yet. It's been a matter of my putting the label first and foremost and establishing that brand, ya feel me? But that fix is on the way this summer. Blee'dat. Young Rilla's yet-unnamed-first-solo-mixtape...... SOON!

What's your inspiration behind your calling to make music?

The money. Sike. F the money. I make music because there's always been a song in my head as long as I can remember. That's it. It's not that complicated. It hasn't always been my song though. Back in the day it was Hammer. As I grew up it was Biggie and Pac . Now it's me. Ya feel me? When I'm depressed, there's a song in my head (probably Em's). Music has always been a sort of therapy to me. It's always been cool to know some obscure punchline buried in track whatever on that one album. Me and my guys still test each other with random ass bet you can't finish this line moments. hip-hop is just... me.

What was the biggest situation in your life that influenced your music the most?

There you go startin shit lol... Well, my moms passed away 2 years ago when I was 18 and that's still really tough on me. Hence the song/screenname Dear Winter (Dearwinter219). She was truly my biggest fan, mainly because she actually knows ME and not just the me I let people see. So yeah, that's been heavy on me. I handle it like a G though. I mean it is what it is. That's life. Now I just gotta make her proud, even though she was proud of me a long time ago.

If you could choose one artist to collab with on a track, who would it be and why?

Just one? Damn. Well then Outkast is just gonna have to count as one person then. I'm breaking the rules. These cats are BY FAR two of my favorite rappers ever. I mean, just sonically from album to album -- these dudes NEVER cease to amaze me. Their ear for beats is so unique and BigBoi is probably the most swag tight nigga in the industry over the past 15 years or so. That's real. Dre is Dre. What more can you say? What more do you have to say? I'll tell you what, put me on Skew it on the Bar B Remix and bet I don't murk off. I dare you...

What's the best word to describe your music and why?

Real. I bet you didn't see that coming did you? I mean, I just keep it real man. I'm a real musician. I play the sax. I'm a real nigga . I'm really from the hood and my lyrics are real life. I don't bullshit and shuck and jive for attention. I'm not making a dance song. My dude, I don't even know how to dance! I just like real hip-hop about real feelings and real trials and tribulations. I'm not out here saying I sold 10 bricks on my day off or in between classes in high school (read: fronting like 90 % of the industry). I was too busy skipping class to read the dictionary for all that jazz, to be real with you. I'm a rapper, and I'm damn good. Excuse my confidence. Let's be real, if you want a trapper-that-raps, I ain't that. If you want hip-POP music, I ain't that neither. I'm just that guy down the block that's seen and done a lot of stuff a few times and figured it would be smarter to just rap.

What do you plan to accomplish in music and what are your plans for this year??

Man I'm trying to do the same thing we do every night Pinky. The mixtape will probably be dropping later June or early July. Right now, there's Gorilla Island Vol 2. in the streets. I'm heavy on that track list. You can expect another Steel City Music compilation in the fall. We're hitting in all quarters my man. Outside of music though, a nigga need to get himself back in school and on that nursing path once more. Yeah man, Young Rilla is trying to be a male nurse. Save the Greg Focker comparisons. I'm far from a gay lord.. It's been one man...'Preciate the interview fammo. I'm ghost... --- Rilla

Click to download May Day - Young Rilla

Click to download Welcome To Indiana - Young Rilla ft Ric Jilla
Myspace/Booking info -

Broaden Your Horizons

It's 2009. The whole "It's (insert year here)" cliche has been beat to death, but that doesn't make it untrue. Just keep those words in mind, though..."It's 2009." I was speaking to a few people about interracial relationships a while back, some of their views really ain't politically correct, but they're not unheard of. "My momma said if I ever bring home a white girl she'd slap me." "I don't like asians. They're weird." "Date a white guy? Pffft..." My race/ethnicity/whatever term applies doesn't and shouldn't really matter, but for the purposes of this message, I will say that I'm a black male. I grew up in the 'hood, by way of Gary, IN, so I'm 100% sure you already know what my taste in females was when I was younger. I had to have me a hood chick, or a "ride or die," as that's what they call 'em these days. Anybody with a similar background, male or female, can relate. Ever wonder why, though? It's no secret. It's your parents and environment that influences your way of thinking. Everything I said or did relationship wise was tainted by these characteristics that are common for people from 'hoods across the nation. If you're black, this probably sounds familiar: - General mistrust of people of different races (mainly white people) - Disdain for and humiliation of those who date people of other races (depending on where you're from, latinas/latinos didn't really count) - Was accepted as long as the person of the other race had that loot Sounds about right? I was pretty much the same way, until I moved away. The years that went by helped too. I felt like life was too short to be trying to fit the status quo. Just because I'm black and I wanna date a girl that ain't black doesn't make me a "sell out." The thing is, some of you out there are basically putting yourselves into boxes because of that very reason. You're scared of what somebody will say. The thought of your friends/family laughing at you or not approving makes you uneasy. What should you do? Shoot them the bird and march to the beat of your own damn drum...only YOU can live your life, so do it. Like I said, it's 2009. You don't have a reason to be's more accepted now than it was fiddy (no typo) years ago. Live a little. Broaden your horizons, and date an Indian, Chinese, or white dude/girl. What do you have to lose? Beware, though...when you have different cultures clashing, you can have good and bad results. All of that'll be covered next time I bless ya'll with some knowledge. Now gon out there and pull one of them kinky ass Korean girls you been lookin at on campus. -The King-

Mr. Governor, I swear there's a cover up....

I was just driving through my city last night.... smoking on a white grape White Owl.... so maybe it was the munchies that put me on game... but I noticed there are actually more liquor stores in Gary, IN than food joints. Ain't that a bitch? There isn't 3 sit-down restaurants worth a damn inside of my 53 square blocks. There used to be a jiggy little mom-and-pop Black owned Italian joint in Miller. It was called La Dolce Vida and there used to be little slam sessions and open mic nights up there every Tuesday. Now it's closed and the building is up for sale. That spot lasted all of a year and a half... maybe. I know rii?

My question is this: What does it say about a community where the only thriving businesses either sale Hennessey or narcotics? To me it says that when people don't have shit else, they lose site of their priorities. I can't even lie, I do it to. Hell, I bought that blunt with the same money that probably should have gone into my gas tank with my taking-late-night-strolls-like- gas- is-free ass. It's almost as if you get this mentality like, "Well fuck it, if ain't nothing else gonna go right today, I bet you I catch my buzz. Fuck it!". Well to be honest, I'm tired of living that way. I'm tired of watching people live, and die, that way.

You don't change your world with one HUGE action... most of the time. It's usually done with the gradual accumulation of small baby steps, but once you look back on it...whoa.

My nigga Nas said it best:

"I switched my motto, instead of saying fuck tomorrow, that buck that bought a bottle could have struck the lotto"

It's amazing what a little change can do. You can fill the gas tank of my car for the same cost as a 5th of Crown Royal just to put it in perspective. How many Saturday night 5ths have you killed in your life? Could you see yourself driving up a whole tank of gas in one Saturday though? How many opportunities to better yourself have you passed up because you didn't think about the following Sunday?

Do the math. there's 52 2-day weekends a year. Let's say you party (drink, smoke, or whatever) on most of those days (3/4s or so). That's 78 days out of the year, right? That's not that much right? Remember that.

Now you're already asleep 8 hours a day (or more if you're lazy like me) so that's 33% of your life being lived in a dream. Now that 78 days a year adds up to 21% of your time. BUT... remember, you can only party IF you're awake, so really it's taking 21% of the 66% of your total lifespan (because 33% of that time you are sleep so you're not partying during those hours). Now I'm not a math wiz at all, but I believe that leaves you with about 52% of live left after "taxes". That's crazy. 48% of your life is a joke. But the shit ain't even funny... it's sad.

I can only lead the horse to water. I can't make it drink think....

It's been real,
Young Rilla live from LHNS by way of Gangster Island

Album Review: "The Last Kiss"

Album review: "The Last Kiss", the long awaited Jadakiss debut under Rocafella and Def Jam Records, will be in stores by the time you read this. I got a chance to get my hands on the album (thanks _________) so here's the review!!

The Jadakiss fan in me has been awaiting this album for a while. I'm used to the slick talk and the signature "Ahhaaaaaaaaaa" cackle and he demonstrates that starting the album off well on "Pain and Torture". The triumphant "Can't Stop Me" sets vintage Jada lyrics to Neo Da Matrix production quite well (it took a few spins to grow on me). Labelmate Young Jeezy TEARS it up on "Somethin' Else" but Jada still has it with lines like "I'm beyond these feeble mind rappers that half step/I done carved the way for these niggas like Aztecs". "Rockin' with The Best" sounds like a mediocre attempt at a club single, while "Stress Ya" has the inverse effect (Both feature Neptunes production and Pharrell on the hook). Kiss makes up for it with the stellar "Things I've Been Through", which is the highlight of the album. Avery Storm sounds a bit awkward on "I Tried" but the song ulitmately delivers. Songstress Jasmine Sullivan is featured on "Smoking Gun", a tale of lost innocence. A "Cartel Gathering" connects Jadakiss in an effective NY cypher featuring Ghostface Killah and Raekwon. "By My Side" featuring Ne-Yo is underwhelming and pales in attempts to Jadakiss' past attempts at making singles to appeal to the female demographic. "Letter to B.I.G." featuring Faith Evans attempts to update the Notorious B.I.G. on the climate of the industry in the form of a letter. Lil' Wayne completely steals the show on the sinister "Deathwish"

Overall: Out of a 10, I'd give it about a 6.5-7/10. "The Last Kiss" is an alright album. Considering that he's self proclaimed "top 5 dead or alive", I'd consider that to be an issue with die hard fans. I also feel that 'Kiss is a guest on his own album with the overabundance of features taking the shine from him. The album really shines at its high points and dulls at its lowest points. "Things I've Been Through" is in the vein of "Feel Me" and "Still Feel Me" and refreshes the album throughout its midway point. I was looking forward to a Jay-z feature. As Kiss says "Long as I know i'm nice/fuck it, I'm my own fan". This album is probably his second best behind "Kiss The Game Goodbye".

Positives: "Cant Stop Me", "What If","Somethin' Else", "Things I've Been Through", "I Tried", "Cartel Gathering", "Deathwish", "
Negatives: "Grind Hard", "Who's Real", Rockin' With The Best","By My Side"


Monday, April 6, 2009

Lack of Communication In Dating

What's up people, That Gentleman checking in once again to get a tiny rant off, well BIG rant off my chest. So, as I sit here listening to music, I'm just thinking about all of the relationships where communication is little to nonexistent. Too often, you see relationships that could be mended or ended mutually with the help of a LITTLE communication, but that's SO above people these days because they, "can have another you in a minute". That's a terrible line in the first place because it shows how much importance someone puts on their relationship, but i DIGRESS. Many relationships include people that have no clue as to where their significant other is emotionally and it's quite evident by their actions, only furthering the problem. When people look back on relationships, they always say, "I wish I would've told them how I felt", "I wish I could've said this (or that)".. Communication, once again.

My own personal story has many stops in it and the reason I kept it moving at each one of those stops was because of that "lack in communication", part of it even on my part. Yeah, I can give advice, but I can't take my own, the usual irony.. right?

People in today's society are so engaged in the physical part of a relationship, that it becomes the basis for their emotions and communication as a whole. Sex can be very detrimental to a relationship, but it can also be beneficial, IF in moderation... Isn't it funny how in so many relationships, they can have great sex, but can't speak openly about their emotions or even sex with each other?! SMH Today, sex is so over-abused that it's second nature to have sex then talk after haha, sounds usual right? But why does that seem so normal? That's because it has become socially acceptable to basically start a relationship based off a sexual encounter and I believe it is quite the tale of how our common male-female reactions work.Now I'm not saying that you can't enjoy sex, but if you sex then talk, you're going be bored out of your mind because you're moving in reverse..and a car always moves slower in reverse. You can't expect to have great sex and then have great convo, that only happens in our "perfect world", but if you have great convo, then great sex, then you really have something. Once again I'll reiterate this, SEX iS A BONUS, NOT A BASIS.

Men believe that there aren't any good women out there, who aren't whorish,kind of like an urban myth.. And women believe that there aren't any good men out there who won't treat them like another usual jumpoff or even be fun to kick it with. Funny but sad at the same time because there is hope out there, it's just not readily seen, due to that "lack in communication".

You want him to listen and he wants you to listen, but there's one problem, you both aren't voicing yourselves as you should be. Maybe you should take the time to sit and have a thorough conversation, just maybe. You may have been in a relationship and it ended suddenly off one misunderstanding, or it may not even have gotten there yet before it all came crashing down and your little bubble of love, burst right before your eyes. We must learn to listen to on a deeper level, not just hearing "blah blah blah," but the actual words that are spoken the fragile place, known as the heart.

So you think I'm saying that the answer to all your problems is communication, haha you and I can only wish, but it IS a beginning I assure you. I have plenty more to say, but I don't wanna be too lengthy so stay tuned. We all have a lot to learn and there's no instructions, only a script, write your own story.

The problem with communication ... is the illusion that it has been accomplished.

- That Gentleman

The Boy Illinois showing versatility in 2009

The Boy Illinois, the Illinois State Representative, will soon be releasing his 2nd installment from the Inhale Series, titled " Loyalty Before the Love " on June 22nd... It's coming with an all new vibe, more versatility, and is going to provide the listener with an explanation as to what the young artist has been going through since he recorded Inhale Part 1. The talented MC is perfecting his craft and looking to build his fanbase with his second effort and you can expect a lot more from him this year, as he looks to provide the game with more fresh talent in Hip Hop in new collaborations and features. LifeHasNoScript got a chance to catch up with The Boy Illinois to discuss his upcoming mixtape Inhale Part 2 - Loyalty Before the Love and see what he has in-store for the future. He shares the inspiration, thought process, and his current situation, as he prepares himself to lay verses on an mixtape with feel of an album once more.
For Inhale Part 1 Mixtape Download - Click Here

I'm Illy Download(For Promotional Use Only) -
Click Here

You can catch more of his music at or where he will be exclusively releasing all of his upcoming material.
- That Gentleman
- Life Has No Script, You Have The Opportunity to write your own.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Fashion Do's and Dont's

So for my first piece I'll keep it simple.Over the past few days I surveyed a number of people of some Do's and Dont's of the Fashion world. Now some of these may be obvious or a couple you may not agree on. Either way it's here to bring up discussion because honestly everybody has their own style and perspective on what's hot or not..So let's get into this and see where we nod in agreement or bump heads....


Too eccentric- It's definitely a plus to standout and be unique with what you wear, but sometimes people go too far with collaborating multiple styles into one outfit. Even if you step out of your boundaries a bit, every outfit still needs some type of organization and coordination.

Excessive Coordination/ Overdosing on High end designer print clothing- Sometimes I just shake my head when I see some young kid walking past me and he's covered in Gucci Print from head to toe. Rocking too much of the same color is also a bad look. Yeah sure you're matching but damn thats just too noticeable and every outfit needs BALANCE.

Too many sizes too big clothes-Tall Tees and you weighing 150 pounds wearing a size 40 jean isnt whats up fellas. For women who buy and wear clothes that dont even fit them isnt quite either. Stop trying to squeeze into something not made for your body type or wearing outfits that completely swollow your frame entirely...Your body is a canvas and learn how to show it off well.

Leopard print- I dont know if this trend has became hot all of the sudden but too many people particularly in Spring and Summer are caught rocking Leopard print pants, skinny jeans and skirts..This was a trend that never should have started and needs to end quickly

Whale TailsLadies pull your pants up.Nothing worse or more unattractive than catching a girl with plumber's ass and knowing the color of her thong without even pulling her pants down.

Spandex Denim without the back pockets Whoever came up with this concept should be slapped. In no way has it ever benefited a women's shape no matter how much back she has. It's just ugly simply put. I cant even breathe when I think about women in these.

Crocs This has always been a pet peeve of mines personally so this may come off as a personal dont rather than an obvious one. The only the place I see Crocs being reasonable to wear are inside the comforts of your own home, employees at hospitals, gardeners, your grandmother and quick runs to the grocery store. This is a style I believe should never be worn elsewhere. Yes from what I can see they are extremely comfortable. Crocs and Clogs may be the worst design shoe known to man.

Dude's and Skinny Jeans - Personally I know this could go both ways for people but I think extremely tight clothes should be only made for women to wear. I mean the whole point of women wearing tight clothes is to show off a great what exactly is the intention of a dude doing it? Fool, nobody wants to see a man's figure (pause). and I also heard it's quite unhealthy too. Parts of your body need to breathe man.


Dress according to weather/season – Warm Jackets and Sweaters in the Winter and Fall. Shorts and short sleeves in summer and Spring. Try and stick to the fashions of a particular season. I usually dont like to mix (e.g. Big coats and shorts). But it's always about dressing accordingly. Dont buy a nice outfit thats made for a different season and force yourself to wear it in unbearable climates.

Fitting clothesLadies know how to purchase attire that fits your shape well. There isnt one shape that defines all above the rest. Like stated above know your body and its curves and use them properly. My dudes you dont have to dress like an 8 year old all the time. Nothing wrong with wearing some jeans that fit right and stay within your size range. Polo shirts that dont reach your knees and collared shirts that fit isnt a bad look ya'll.

Keep it CasualNice T-shirt and Jeans, low key colors and and simple designs will never fail you in life. I learned over time by my own examples of learning fashion that the cliché of “Addition by subtraction” works. Some people misinterpret the saying of dressing down by having a sense that you have to dress like crap and dressing up means putting on your best designer clothes with standout graphics designs and prints is how you show off yourself. But instead you just look like a huge advertisement board. Particularly for women I've always been attractive to a girl who knew who to put a simple outfit together without doing too much and keeping it casual. Everyday doesnt have to be a colorful fashion show. Relax and put some comfortable stylish wear on

Be Unique - Its ok to be trendy and follow what's hot. You dont always have to go against the grain and be rebellious..Matter fact thats a perfect way to be unique to take current trends and throw in your rebellious flare to your style. You can use how you dress as a way to show off your personality and a representation of your character so you dont have to be a droid and get whatever everybody else does. Be you, simple as that.

Feel free to add your own opinions, What you agree or disagree on and your own personal list's as well. PEACE.

-The Fashion Bloke

Saturday, April 4, 2009

On the Real...

Aye fam, everyday I wake up and wonder why some rappers never seem to keep it authentic, ya know? How many bum ass dudes are gonna waste their advance check on a chain this summer (only to have it stolen anyway...)? That's why I'm me, Young Rilla-than-these-fuck-boys.... or just Rilla for short. I ain't saying I'm the best rapper in the midwest. I'll let Jewels take that claim...ha.. But what I can guarantee is that I'll be giving you readers (and listeners) the REAL with every post from a perspective you can only gain from living 20 years in the belly of the beast. Somebody's got to do it. I just so happen to be that somebody. Just a few random REALITY CHECKS I wanna throw out there: Serena Williams can get it. Jasmine Sullivan is retarded. But talented. But still retarded.. Kobe > Lebron Jesus was middle eastern. And with that, I'm gonna fall back and chill for a sec... Live from L.H.N.S. by way of Gangster Island -Young Rilla

G.o.D Jewels - The Chicago Bully is coming...

ARTIST SHOWCASE G.o.D Jewels - The Chicago native speaks with Life Has No Script to give his views on the state of the music industry, inspiration behind his music, and what he plans to accomplish in 2009 with the release of his highly anticipated debut mixtape, "Glory or Death".
-What's the inspiration behind the music you create?
Chicago lifestyle and hunger. Just trying to present my city in the proper light, Because I feel that it hasn't. You always hear people refer to "New York Hip-Hop" or "Down South Hip-Hop"...Even "West Coast Hip-Hop". We have so many incredible artists, Yet we don't get mentioned when it comes to the great Hip-Hop regions. We get lost in the shuffle so to speak. So I'm just trying to give us an identity and make the best music I can possibly make in the process.
-How do you stay inspired with the state of the game the way it is currently?
It's depressing and discouraging to tell the truth. But guys like Drake and Cudi keep me optimistic. These are dudes who you can almost say are bonafied superstars with nothing but mixtapes to their name. No albums, And no deals to speak of until recently. I think it's a great thing. The game is evolving, And you have to evolve with it, Or become obsolete.
-Who were some of your biggest influences in not just hip-hop, but music?
Sade. I love her to death. I have her whole discography on my iPod. I grew up on her music...She's timeless. I like to think that I'm almost the rap equivalent to Sade. All of her shit is smooth and laid back. It's almost a fusion of RnB, New Age, Jazz...All of that. I hope to work with her one day. I'm a big Sufjan Stevens fan too...He makes some real epic shit. He made a whole concept album about Chicago and just Illinois in general...I'm using him for my follow-up mixtape. He's good in my book. But yea, There's too many musical influences for me to name right now...
-Your anticipated new mixtape is titled, "Glory or Death", do you believe that you'll achieve that "Glory" through music?
That's the plan. Everybody should feel that way. Either achieve your glory, Whatever that may be...Or die. Point blank. Living average or just settling shouldn't be an option. The thing about me is, I feel like I do my music with the "right" intentions. Yea, We wanna make money, We want fame...But I truly want to be the best at the craft. I think that's a rare trait nowadays...Money is not even the main motivator. I truly want to be that dude with this shit...And want people to know it.
-What type of direction are going in with this mixtape creatively?
It's just a showcase for my abilities. The material that's been leaked out thus far isn't even a fraction of what I'm capable of. I'm hoping to catch a lot people off guard with this project, And go from a slasher-type guard to an all-around guard in people's eyes. "Oh, He can shoot and pass...and play defense?!? This nigga is dope!!!" Yea, You didn't know I could do that did you? lol.
-As far as where you're standing in the game right now, do you think that the wait has been worth it?
Yea, it has. The experience I've gained has far outweighed how long I've had to wait to get to this point. I wouldn't change a thing. I'm lyrically sharper, My subject matter is more focused, And I'm much more strategic as far as marketing and the different business angles I need to utilize to become successful.
-Where do you envision your career later on in the future?
Jay-Z minus the destroyed friendship and business relationships. Musically at my peak well into my 30's, A loyal team consisting of my day-ones, And very business savvy. You learn from guys like Hov and Diddy and try to improve on their model so you don't repeat the same mistakes they did.
-If you got the chance to collab with any artists on ONE track, who would it be?
Like I said earlier, I would love to work with Sade. Shit, I'd like to do a whole album with her. That's like my holy grail of collabs...
-Do you think what you bring to the game is in it's own lane creatively and what the industry should hear?
The industry is so saturated that it's hard to stand out amongst the crowd. It's become less about the music and more about what you had to say on the latest World Star or YouTube video. I'm just trying to bring it back to quality music and not the frivolous bullshit...
-When you release your new mixtape, where can we go to get it?
Hopefully, You won't be able to visit a blog on the internet without seeing it. If I have it my way, Glory or Death will be everywhere and easily accessible. Myspace, Twitter...You name it. I'm thinking about offering the follow-up mixtape exclusively through Life Has No Script though...
-In your opinion, what's your best work that you've done up until now?
The sequel to Glory or Death, "Greatness Opens Doors". The key is me...
Don't make some one your priority when you're just one of their options. - E². YouTube Channel: Twitter Profile: Big thanks to G.o.D Jewels for the interview and you can expect to hear more music from him in our future artist showcases. - Life Has No Script, write your own.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Hello world...Chris Steez checking in to support the site and everyone else on the team behind it. I plan on helpin out by letting ya'll know what's going down as far as relationships/music and fashion goes. Now don't get it twisted I'm not a fashion/love guru but I will be putting my input on whats going on in that area... You can expect a whole new online community and fam from the Life Has No Script team...we plan to do it big word to baby d. If that chick tossed you that L when you asked for the digits...just remember that life has no script, you can write your own. You can basically be yourself on here and express your feelings, thoughts, and input and share what's going on in your life... I look forward to helping out and hearing what the people have 2 say and share, so let's do out like fat chicks in dodgeball! - Chris Steez

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Love, quite the feeling isn't it?

What's good everyone, I'm the Abstract but TRUE gentleman, that will be presenting you with relationship advice with the increased situational questions you provide. To me, LIFE is LOVE and LOVE is LIFE, simple but very true. When you have a blank canvas and you want to make the art yours, you put PASSION into it, letting the viewers see your true emotions. I was lucky, well unlucky enough if you will to have grown up in a house full of women, so I tend to be able to connect with females more than your average guy. It's not that hard at all, it just takes stepping out of the stereotypical ego driven man persona and allowing yourself to feel a woman through her emotions, not her body. The key to men understanding women and women understanding men is simply communication, which seems to happen a lot less these days, due to the maxed out hormones of our generation, but thats another story that I will continue on later! I look forward to providing you with helpful and easy tips that can boost your social skills with your dedicated effort through Life Has No Script. - That Gentleman

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Music Is........

Brooklyn, NY @ 9:55 P.M: Sup everyone! I'm 100K, the resident music mastermind. I've always been around music in some way shape or form. From my father blasting his old Jamaican records (and mom forcing me to listen to the choir in church) to my cousins putting me on to Raekwon's "OB4CL" to "Reasonable Doubt" being the first album purchased with my own $, I've always had a passion for the musical arts. It's more than just a multi-billion dollar industry. It is the common lifeline of every demographic on this planet. In its purest form, music resonates with your soul and fibers of being. Having learned the ropes at major labels and having my own performance event for talented artists of ALL genres, I apply a practical approach with simple marketing concepts. That is, I think like my target demographic. In order to understand your target, you must become them mentally and provide them with "the next best thing". People pride themselves on being ahead of the curve. A lotta people do not understand that concept and miss out on big opportunities. Well, this should be fun *rubs hands and grins*....I look forward to contributing to LifeHasNoScript as The music mastermind. -100K aka the Music Mastermind

Still in development!

Although the blog is launched just off the ground, it is still under development as we continue to build a team that will bring you the freshest talk from around the globe. We will be running at 100% shortly, so bare with us as we look to keep improving this site at an alarming rate. Any topics, ideas, suggestions sent to the email is greatly appreciated! Sincerely, The Life Has No Script Team ;)

The Fashion Bloke's Introduction

8:00 A.M. Corporate downtown. I’m in heaven. Some of fashion at its best, and simply put the story of my life. I’m an analyst head from to toe….The way I dress, the way she dresses, him and them too. But its more than just a materialistic thing. This isn’t about price tags and latest trends though. This is about your presentation to the world being an ELITE company and your style in attire as your portfolio for the job. Or as an artist, this is just another way to express myself whether I’m dressing up in slick collars and ties, cardigans and soft polos or dressing in hoodys and fitted caps, Raw Denim and a pair of sneakers. This is more than just rocking a hot fit. This is about confidence, personality, this is how we speak to those without words to say this is who I am and its all relevant. I Just walked into work and I have stacks of clothes on my desk and all I can do is smile because this is Fashion and I breathe this… - The Fashion Bloke

What is Life Has No Script?

Introducing to the world, the newest and soon to be hottest lifestyle blogspot, Life Has No Script, where you are the artist and our blog, is your template. Life Has No Script, complex but simple in words is just as the title says, life with no script, our allowing the viewers to express their feelings on a blank canvas, our blog that encompasses an array of topics. This blog is dedicated to bringing you the latest in dating advice, music, fashion, and life situations. We will make sure you are in the know when it comes to relations in modern society. Too often, we hear of problems that can be easily solved with the proper direction and that is what we aim to do with our viewers, our guru can guide you to new heights. We'll provide the successes and even the failures to see what can fixed within the female and male interactions. Frequently, we will showcase NEW and upcoming artists,producers, and DJs to keep you well updated with trendy music from ALL genres. So, if you're an artist/producer/DJ and you want to get your music out there to many more, feel free to contact us! Our fashion editor is passionate in bring you the latest trends in fashion and keeping you from walking out of your house and catching disturbing looks. You'll be very aware of the yay's and nay's when it comes to fashion! The lifestyle editor is just like you, an average American dealing with the everyday stresses of life, but will be providing with you encouragement and common situations that are common today. He CAN be a little random, but that's expect in a life with no script, strictly improvisation with a taste for just being REAL. The team for Life Has No Script is a braintrust brought together by a common cause and that is to provide our readers with the newest talks in the numerous facets of life that drive our generation. We look forward to hearing your ideas and input on important issues that will soon be discussed. Thank You Sincerely, The Life Has No Script Team