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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So where have I been.........Allow me to re-introduce myself my name is....

J......J to the JG....LOL! Just playing! Hey what's up everyone? Sorry for being a stranger to you all, but allow me to introduce myself(literally). My name is James a.k.a The Realest JG. I am the co-CEO and partner with Corey, a good friend of mines who has been the architect of the website thus far. But now that I had a chance to deal with personal issues, I am ready to step into this exciting new venture along with Corey. I am willing to share with you my ordeals and many kinds of posts that reflect on the daily grind of Life. The reality of it all is that there is no script in life itself. It's unpredictable. So expect the unexpected from me. Another thing is that I really love music. Music is a precious art form. When I see other people abuse it, I shake my head. But anyway I'll be doing various video segments and along with posts on non-scripted events so watch out! I am just that. THE REALEST(or one of them)......