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Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Fashion Do's and Dont's

So for my first piece I'll keep it simple.Over the past few days I surveyed a number of people of some Do's and Dont's of the Fashion world. Now some of these may be obvious or a couple you may not agree on. Either way it's here to bring up discussion because honestly everybody has their own style and perspective on what's hot or not..So let's get into this and see where we nod in agreement or bump heads....


Too eccentric- It's definitely a plus to standout and be unique with what you wear, but sometimes people go too far with collaborating multiple styles into one outfit. Even if you step out of your boundaries a bit, every outfit still needs some type of organization and coordination.

Excessive Coordination/ Overdosing on High end designer print clothing- Sometimes I just shake my head when I see some young kid walking past me and he's covered in Gucci Print from head to toe. Rocking too much of the same color is also a bad look. Yeah sure you're matching but damn thats just too noticeable and every outfit needs BALANCE.

Too many sizes too big clothes-Tall Tees and you weighing 150 pounds wearing a size 40 jean isnt whats up fellas. For women who buy and wear clothes that dont even fit them isnt quite either. Stop trying to squeeze into something not made for your body type or wearing outfits that completely swollow your frame entirely...Your body is a canvas and learn how to show it off well.

Leopard print- I dont know if this trend has became hot all of the sudden but too many people particularly in Spring and Summer are caught rocking Leopard print pants, skinny jeans and skirts..This was a trend that never should have started and needs to end quickly

Whale TailsLadies pull your pants up.Nothing worse or more unattractive than catching a girl with plumber's ass and knowing the color of her thong without even pulling her pants down.

Spandex Denim without the back pockets Whoever came up with this concept should be slapped. In no way has it ever benefited a women's shape no matter how much back she has. It's just ugly simply put. I cant even breathe when I think about women in these.

Crocs This has always been a pet peeve of mines personally so this may come off as a personal dont rather than an obvious one. The only the place I see Crocs being reasonable to wear are inside the comforts of your own home, employees at hospitals, gardeners, your grandmother and quick runs to the grocery store. This is a style I believe should never be worn elsewhere. Yes from what I can see they are extremely comfortable. Crocs and Clogs may be the worst design shoe known to man.

Dude's and Skinny Jeans - Personally I know this could go both ways for people but I think extremely tight clothes should be only made for women to wear. I mean the whole point of women wearing tight clothes is to show off a great what exactly is the intention of a dude doing it? Fool, nobody wants to see a man's figure (pause). and I also heard it's quite unhealthy too. Parts of your body need to breathe man.


Dress according to weather/season – Warm Jackets and Sweaters in the Winter and Fall. Shorts and short sleeves in summer and Spring. Try and stick to the fashions of a particular season. I usually dont like to mix (e.g. Big coats and shorts). But it's always about dressing accordingly. Dont buy a nice outfit thats made for a different season and force yourself to wear it in unbearable climates.

Fitting clothesLadies know how to purchase attire that fits your shape well. There isnt one shape that defines all above the rest. Like stated above know your body and its curves and use them properly. My dudes you dont have to dress like an 8 year old all the time. Nothing wrong with wearing some jeans that fit right and stay within your size range. Polo shirts that dont reach your knees and collared shirts that fit isnt a bad look ya'll.

Keep it CasualNice T-shirt and Jeans, low key colors and and simple designs will never fail you in life. I learned over time by my own examples of learning fashion that the cliché of “Addition by subtraction” works. Some people misinterpret the saying of dressing down by having a sense that you have to dress like crap and dressing up means putting on your best designer clothes with standout graphics designs and prints is how you show off yourself. But instead you just look like a huge advertisement board. Particularly for women I've always been attractive to a girl who knew who to put a simple outfit together without doing too much and keeping it casual. Everyday doesnt have to be a colorful fashion show. Relax and put some comfortable stylish wear on

Be Unique - Its ok to be trendy and follow what's hot. You dont always have to go against the grain and be rebellious..Matter fact thats a perfect way to be unique to take current trends and throw in your rebellious flare to your style. You can use how you dress as a way to show off your personality and a representation of your character so you dont have to be a droid and get whatever everybody else does. Be you, simple as that.

Feel free to add your own opinions, What you agree or disagree on and your own personal list's as well. PEACE.

-The Fashion Bloke

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too eccentric- It's definitely a plus to standout and be unique with what you wear but sometimes people go too far with collaborating multiple styles into one outfight.

There is a typo you need to fix.