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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Love, quite the feeling isn't it?

What's good everyone, I'm the Abstract but TRUE gentleman, that will be presenting you with relationship advice with the increased situational questions you provide. To me, LIFE is LOVE and LOVE is LIFE, simple but very true. When you have a blank canvas and you want to make the art yours, you put PASSION into it, letting the viewers see your true emotions. I was lucky, well unlucky enough if you will to have grown up in a house full of women, so I tend to be able to connect with females more than your average guy. It's not that hard at all, it just takes stepping out of the stereotypical ego driven man persona and allowing yourself to feel a woman through her emotions, not her body. The key to men understanding women and women understanding men is simply communication, which seems to happen a lot less these days, due to the maxed out hormones of our generation, but thats another story that I will continue on later! I look forward to providing you with helpful and easy tips that can boost your social skills with your dedicated effort through Life Has No Script. - That Gentleman

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